Cloud GrPHIC

Project Overview:

Through a Hackathon on June 2022, our team talked with a client to design a website for their restaurant to be able to have a better interaction with the customers.
The customers were able to check the website for upcoming social events, see the menus and the gallery, and also order online.
The restaurant is located in Sacramento, CA.

Chay Corner green angular logo

Problem Statement:

Client is not getting the traction they could be from their current website and is looking for a redesign of their website to allow customers to make an online order and improve their overall brand.
Currently, Chay Corner’s website operates on Square ( where they house their POS system/sales. Right now, customers can only see a full schedule of upcoming popup locations, dates, a few photos and links to their social media. We are solving for a more interactive, informational, and branded website that customers can go to with an emphasis on online ordering

Roles and Responsibilities:

We worked closely as a team and communicated thoroughly at every stage. However we were all involved in every part of the project, but each of us was specifically responsible about a part of the project. we divided tasks and responsibilities.

Users and Audience:

Our audiences were consisted of the people who love Vietnamese cuisine or want to try it.
The persons who are vegan and are committed to plant-based foods.
People with Vietnamese or Southeast Asian origin looking to try plant-based alternatives.
People who always like to try new meals and flavours and  are open to vegan options.
The residents of Sacramento, and specifically the Chay Corner restaurant neighbourhood, and eventually Tourists who are looking for vegan or vegetarian options in the area.

Chay corner audiences

Competitive Analysis:

We compared some of our competitors such as "golden lotus", and "bola kitchen". Among this evaluation we checked their "target customers", "services and features", "Strength", and "weaknesses" and comared them together.

Chay corner competitors analysis

User Survey:

Our team conducted a survey and sent it for several possible customers. In return we were able to found out lots of valuable quantitative information among some pie charts.

Oie chart for plant based foods commitmentChart for restaurant standards

User Interview:

We conducted several interview with possible customers and we received several valuable information through those interviews.

User Interview

Journey Map and Empathy Map:

We started to create journey maps and empathy maps to be able to empathize with the customers for better understanding the process they will go through when they are on the website.

Chay corner journey mapChay corner empathy map

Personas, User Stories, and User Flows:

For the next step we started to create personas based on our interviews and survey. After that we wrote user stories and then for each story we created a user flow.

Chay corner persona IChay corner persona II

Wireframe, High fidelity mockups, and High fidelity working prototypes:

In this stage we started to create wireframes based on our previous works. Gradually we made lo-fi mockups from the wireframes, and eventually changed them to hi-fi mockups and changed them to working prototypes.

Chay corner wireframeChay corner hi-fi mockup

The final result is available in here:

ChayCorner on Wix


- Experience of team working had lots of new situations for us that we had to deal with.
- Decision making and distribution of tasks was a new experience for us.
- Using Wix as new technologies while dealing with other apps had lots of lessons for us.
- We plan to continue working on this project. Have meetings with the clients and polish it.

New Meadow's Border